Reimagining Water: Linking Sustainable Urban Water Systems in the Great Lakes Basin

Reimagining Water: Linking Sustainable Urban Water Systems in the Great Lakes Basin

This invitation only workshop is an opportunity for practitioners and researchers to come together to discuss improvements to urban waterfront shorelines. The goals of this workshop are as follows:

  1. To present needs and opportunities for research and development to improve Great Lakes Basin urban waterfront environments though the integration of green infrastructure, living shoreline, and aquatic habitat restoration systems.
  2. To create research and practice networks around the goal of integrating various sustainable urban systems linked by water, to address barriers to innovation and extend best practices and multidisciplinary initiatives for Great Lakes Basin shoreline communities.

Registration closes on July 8. Please register as soon as possible at the link below:

Click here to register to attend this workshop


Outline of Conference

Thursday July 25    Challenges and Opportunities

Friday July 26            Exemplars and Best Practices

Saturday July 27         Building a Sustainable Urban Water Systems Research Network


Workshop Materials

Materials for workshop attendees can be found below:

Participant Agenda

Facilitator Agenda

Attendee Biographies



Location of Workshop

All meetings will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences, 600 E Greenfield Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53204.


Hotel Room Reservation

A block of rooms have been reserved at the Saint Kate Arts Hotel- you only need to register with us (above) and your room will be provided. A shuttle between the hotel and workshop will be running the duration of the conference for attendees to take advantage of. In addition, a shuttle will be available for transport between the hotel and airport. See the registration page for details.

More information about the Saint Kate Arts Hotel can be found here:

Saint Kate Hotel



All meals except breakfasts are provided. Please see the agenda for details. Friday's dinner sponsored by SmithGroup. Other sponsorship possibilities still exist!


During my visit to Milwaukee, where should I eat and what should I do?

For information about Milwaukee restaurants and attractions, check out the following:


Thank you to our sponsors!