Digital media
Conference presentations
Comparison Study of Different Load Management Methods for Cost and Emission Reduction
Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC2015)
26-28 Oct 2015. London, Ontario, Canada.
LEEM Advisory Board Meeting
Electrical Power & Energy Conference (EPEC2015)
1 September 2015. Detroit, MI.
Accelerating the Future of Environmentally Sensitive Electricity
NextEnergy I-Corps Energy & Transportation Training
22-23 June 2015. Detroit, MI.
Real-Time Energy Impact Monitors for Residential, Industrial and Policy Applications
Proposal To The Planning Committee For The President's Inauguration Faculty Symposium
18 June 2015. Wayne State University. Detroit, MI.
Efficient Water Transmission System Optimization With Real-Time Emission
4th International Green Computing Conference
3 November 2014. Dallas, TX, USA.
Enhanced Pump Schedule Optimization For Large Water Distribution Networks To Maximize Environmental & Economic Benefits.
Thesis presentation, S. Mohsen Sadatiyan A. (candidate) and Carol J. Miller (advisor).
2014. Wayne State University. Detroit, MI.
Use of GA to Develop Optimal Pumping Schedule "Lessons Learned"
2013 9th Cincinnati Area Water Distribution System Networking Seminar
18 November 2013. Cincinnati, OH USA.
Presentation Slides: Lessons Learned.pdf
Real Time Energy Impact Monitors for Residential, Industrial and Policy Applications
2013 WSU Presentation to Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL)
24 October 2013. Detroit, MI USA.
Presentation Slides: PNNL 2013.pdf
Optimizing Water Distribution System Storage and Its Influences on Pollutant Emission Reduction
2013 International Green Computing Conference
27-29 June 2013. Arlington, VA USA.
Presentation Slides: 1_Steven_Jin_IGCC.pdf
A Case Study of Energy Optimization in Monroe Water Distribution System
2013 International Green Computing Conference
27-29 June 2013. Arlington, VA USA.
Presentation Slides: 3_Fatima_IGCC.pdf
Optimizing Pumping System for Sustainable Water Distribution Network by Using Genetic Algorithm
2013 International Green Computing Conference
27-29 June 2013. Arlington, VA USA.
Presentation Slides: 4_Mohsen_IGCC.pdf
Use of the Locational Emissions Estimation Methodology (LEEM) in the Design of Emissions-Based Optimization Schemes
2013 International Green Computing Conference
27-29 June 2013. Arlington, VA USA.
Presentation Slides: 5_Carol_IGCC.pdf
Modeling of Power Generation Pollutant Emissions Based on Locational Marginal Prices for Sustainable Water Delivery
IEEE Energy Tech Conference
26 May 2011. Case Western University. Cleveland, Ohio.
Presentation Slides: IEEE Presentation
Design Tools for Sustainable Water Transmisison and Distribution
First International Congress on Sustainability Science & Engineering.
12 August 2009. Cincinnati, Ohio.
Presentation Slides: ICOSSE-Miller-McElmurry.pdf
Real-Time System Optimization for Sustainable Water Transmission and Distribution
International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR)
52nd Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research at the University of Toledo.
19 May 2009. Toledo, Ohio.
Presentation Slides: IAGLR-09 Presentation.pdf
Radio Interview: Lara Treemore Spears talks about the Wayne State University Healthy Urban Waters (HUW) role in the #ErieHack - a 5-City innovation challenge that involves the tech community to develop proactive solutions to address Lake Erie's ecological challenges. Check Out Technology Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Michigan Mobile Musings on BlogTalkRadio with Michigan Mobile Musings on BlogTalkRadio.
Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Sustainability Nexus
Miller, C., L. Treemore-Spears, A. Zarb. 2015.
Best Management Practices of Urban Green Infrastructure
McElmurry, S., C. Miller, A. Zarb. 2015.
Miller, C., A. Zarb. 2015.
Exhibits and displays
How does eDNA Help Stop Invasive Species?
Fujimoto, Masanori, Hager Alkhafaji, Audrey Zarb, Ashwini Kamat, Jeffrey L. Ram. 2014. "How Does eDNA help Stop Invasive Species?" Belle Isle Aquarium Exhibit. 52"x27". Detroit, MI: Belle Isle Conservancy.
Funding provided by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Great Lakes National Program Office through a Great Lakes Restoration Initiative grant. This project is a cooperative effort of the Belle Isle Conservancy, Friends of the Detroit River, Wayne State University, Michigan Office of the Great Lakes, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Michigan Sea Grant, and other partners.